

Gering, Nebraska

  • W.H. Jackson Collection

    W.H. Jackson CollectionWilliam Henry Jackson, frontier photographer and artist, was an early photographer of the American West, as well as an accomplished artist. He traveled the Oregon-California Trail in 1866 and 1867, an...
    W.H. Jackson Collection

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Robidoux Pass Trading Post

Following the Oregon Trail can be quite exciting, imagining the pioneers that must have traveled the path, what they were like, what they were thinking and what they went through to conquer such terrain as is found at Gering's Robidoux Pass, listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Gering, NE Pioneer Life

Garlock Cabin

In early 2001, the North Platte Valley Museum embarked on an ambitious project to move part of a 113 year-old cabin from it's original "home" in Gering, Nebraska several blocks to the inside exhibition area of the Museum. Construction on the cabin began in 1887

Gering, NE Pioneer Life

Wyobraska Natural History Museum - Wildlife World

When you walked into the Wyobraska Natural History Museum, also known as Wildlife World, you could not help but utter an unexpected "Wow!"

Gering, NE Museums

W.H. Jackson Collection

William Henry Jackson, frontier photographer and artist, was an early photographer of the American West, as well as an accomplished artist. He traveled the Oregon-California Trail in 1866 and 1867

Gering, NE Arts

North Platte Valley Museum

When you think of the days of the old settlers, a picture of horse-drawn carriages, covered wagons, one-room schoolhouses, general stores, sod houses and a simpler way of life enters your mind. That's exactly what you will find at Western Nebraska'

Gering, NE Museums

Things to do near Gering, NE

Bergstrom Rock and Gem Collection

Mastodon bones and teeth are on display, along with several other fossils found in the Chappell area. Nature's beauty can be ...

Lodgepole Opera House

The two-story false-front commercial building was constructed by Frank Isenberger in 1911 as a garage, with the opera house l...

Wildcat Hills Camping

Wildcat Hills Reacreation Area is primarily geared for day use and picnic outings. There is no designated camping area at Wil...