

Hertford, North Carolina

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Newbold-White House: a Colonial Quaker Homestead

From its location on the Perquimans River, the Newbold-White House tells the story of Abraham and Judith Sanders, a colonial Quaker family. Dating to 1730, the house is listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Hertford, NC Historic Homes

Perquimans County and Town of Hertford Visitor Cen

The source for information about Perquimans and the Town of Hertford, including information about bed &

Hertford, NC Businesses

Edmundson-Fox Memorial

Stone marker commemorates the spot where the first religious service on record was held in the Carolinas. William Edmundson, an English Quaker, presided over the service in 1672.

Hertford, NC Memorials

Things to do near Hertford, NC

Cavalier Motel

34 rooms, 19 efficiencies, 13 cottages (2 - 3 bedrooms). Coffee Maker, Cooking Facilities, Fish Cleaning Facilities, Microwa...


Fast Food. Open all year. Also located in Kitty Hawk & Manteo. ...

Pelican Pointe Marina, Inc.

Dry stack boat storage - indoor and outdoor.Boat rentals - pontoon and skiffs.Boat and engine repairs and maintenance.Ships s...

Holiday Trav-L-Park Resort

This Emerald Isle oceanfront camping resort offers 325 grass sites with full hookups, lots of amenities, dump station, outdoo...