

Valley City, North Dakota

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Medicine Wheel Park

Constructed from local rocks, the 28

Valley City, ND Arts

Valley City State University Planetarium

Only planetarium of its kind in North Dakota. Projects more than 2,500 stars on 24-foot dome with seating for 52

Valley City, ND Observatories

Rosebud Interpretive Center

Nestled near the banks of the Sheyenne River in Valley City, the Rosebud Visitor Center has a renovated 1881 Northern Pacific Superintendent'

Valley City, ND Railroad History

Things to do near Valley City, ND

Standing Rock State Historic Site

Called Inyan Bosendata by Sioux Indians who consider it sacred. The rock stands on a complex of prehistoric burial mounds dat...

Fall Family Fun on the Farm

Educational tours by appointment mid-September through Oct. 31; summer school groups all summer; miniature golf, yard activit...

Red River Zoo

The Red River Zoo features over 300 animals of 75 species, including many endangered species. Ride the antique Diederich fami...

Hatton-Eielson Museum

Boyhood home of Carl Ben Eielson, "The Father of Alaskan Aviation." Original furnishings, pioneer artifacts and rare Fokker "...

North Country Trail

Hiking and backpacking through the Sheyenne River Valley. Extends from the Sheyenne National Grasslands through Valley City a...