

Medicine Lodge, Kansas

  • Carry Nation Home

    Carry Nation HomeCarry A. Nation was a woman who changed the course of Kansas history. In 1880, Kansas adopted a constitutional amendment prohibiting the sale of intoxicating beverages, except for medicinal purposes. ...
    Carry Nation Home

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Indian Peace Treaty Pageant

The Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty Pageant compresses three hundred years of history into two hours of education and entertainment as big as life in a setting that looks as it must have in 1867

Medicine Lodge, KS Pageants

Barber County State Lake

Stop an take in the scenery at Barber County State Lake. Enjoy the 77

Medicine Lodge, KS Recreation

Historic Grand Hotel

Historic Grand HotelUp to a short time ago, this partially restored hotel featured restaurant facilities in the basement with an excellent decor and a supper club on the second floor. However, it is closed at the present time.

Medicine Lodge, KS Historic Buildings

Carry Nation Home

Carry A. Nation was a woman who changed the course of Kansas history. In 1880

Medicine Lodge, KS Famous Homes

Gypsum Hills Scenic Drive

To take the Gypsum Hills Scenic Drive, travel west of Medicine Lodge on US 160 for 3 plus miles. There, a sign will indicate for you to head south (paved) and in about a mile you will round a curve and be introduced to the beauty of the Gypsum Hills. 2 1/2

Medicine Lodge, KS Scenic Drives

Things to do near Medicine Lodge, KS