

Darlington, South Carolina

  • Edmund H. Deas House

    Edmund H. Deas (Duke of Darlington) served as chairman of the Darlington County Republican Party in 1884 and 1888 and was a delegate to four national conventions from 1888-1908. An African-American ...
    Edmund H. Deas House

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Beaver Creek Golf Club

This manicured golf course has well placed sand traps and small to medium sized bermuda greens. The most difficult hole is #16, a 352-yard, par 4

Darlington, SC Golf Courses

Williamson Park

This quiet park offers a three-mile boardwalk, five miles of nature trails, countless birds, and a statewide variety of plants and trees, providing a most rewarding spot for hiking, nature study and

Darlington, SC Park

Darlington Raceway & Stock Car Museum

Darlington Raceway, NASCAR's original super speedway, hosts the Diamond Hill Plywood May 9 and Carolina Dodge Dealers 500 May 10, 2008

Darlington, SC Museums

Things to do near Darlington, SC

The Wellman Country Club

Originally built for employees of the Wellman Company, this 7,018-yard course by Ellis Maples features long fairways, bunkers...

Hamer Welcome Center

The Hamer (Dillon) Welcome Center is strategically located on I-95 Southbound. This Welcome Center offers many great services...

War Between The States Museum

Artifacts and memorabilia from 1850-1900 are on exhibit here. Pictures of military personalities are displayed in the museum...

Darlington Christmas Parade

A hometown parade celebrating the holidays begins at 3 p.m. followed by a Carolighting at 5 p.m....

Art's Alive

This festival provides a well-balanced day of programming in the performing and visual arts. Paid professional performers and...