

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge

Salt Plains was established in 1930 "as a refuge and breeding ground for birds." It provides habitat for approximately 300 species of birds and 30 species of mammals. The 32,030 acres is divided into almost equal parts of nonvegetated salt flat, open water, and vegetated land (

Cherokee, OK Wildlife Refuges

Artesian Well

An ever-flowing "Artesian well" spring is located northeast of Cherokee, Oklahoma, and provides a cool drink for travelers and a "fill-your-own-container" source of water for many homes of the area. In 2003

Cherokee, OK Natural Attractions

First United Methodist/Episcopal Church

The beautiful United Methodist Church of Cherokee was built in 1918

Cherokee, OK Historic Churches

Alfalfa County Museum

The Alfalfa County Museum occupies the 1929 National Historic Cherokee Hotel, that to this day is the tallest four story building in Alfalfa County. Currently the museum'

Cherokee, OK Museums

Things to do near Cherokee, OK


Fishing has always been the great part of the old west. It is truly every cowboy and cowgirl's leisure hobby. The many farm ...

Chief Left Hand Monument

Born in the 1840s somewhere west of present Fort Supply, Left Hand ("Niwat," also "Nawathit") became principal chief of the s...