

Travelers Rest, South Carolina

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Hampton Inn

Four story hotel with 370 square ft. rooms, 3 telephones per room, 2

Travelers Rest, SC Businesses

La Bastide Inn

French country inn, 18,500 square foot., $5.5 million inn styled as a reproduction of 200 year old French farmhouse, featuring the downstairs entry triple corbeled roof made of 175 year old French barrel tiles with view of the vineyards. Armories of different style in each room;

Travelers Rest, SC Businesses

Tram Fair 2007

The TRAM Fair features outsider and folk artists from all over the southeast and it is the only outsider festival of its kind in South Carolina. Participants enjoy food, art, children?

Travelers Rest, SC Other Attractions

Valley Park Resort

Shady sites, lovely babbling creek, wonderful hosts, laundry facility and showers.Log cabins with fireplaces, nature trails, office w/

Travelers Rest, SC Businesses

BMW Charity Pro Am at The Cliffs

The BMW Charity Pro-Am at The Cliffs is the only tournament on the Nationwide®

Travelers Rest, SC Other Attractions

Things to do near Travelers Rest, SC

Super 8 Motel

Business, industry, agriculture, education and religion are all part of the past, present and future off Gaffney South Caroli...

Jones Gap State Park/ Mountain Bridge Wilderness Area

Native-born wild trout, including the rare brookie. Several hundred different plant and animal species. The unforgettable pe...

Regal Inn

Located on HWY 29 between Bob Jones University and downtown Greenville/Bi-lo Center....

St. Paul's Episcopal Church Cemetery

This white clapboard church, built in 1822, features a Jaridine Pipe organ that has filled the church with music since 1848. ...

Fall Classic Car Show

Show off your best set of wheels at the Fall Classic Car Show featuring antique and collectible cars, trucks and motorcycles....