

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Doll Display

More than 500 dolls from 40 countries are displayed in the city's municipal building. The collection includes dolls from 11 tribes of native Americans, former presidents, and several movie stars. Some dolls date back to 1890

Mercedes, TX Collections

Vintage Farm Equipment Museum

Outside display of vintage farm equipment is displayed third week in March and for special events. The museum is on the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show grounds at 1000

Mercedes, TX Museums

Mid Valley Golf Course

Course Access: Public
Holes: 18
Reserve Advance Tee Times: 7

Mercedes, TX Golf Courses

Llano Grande Golf Course

Course Access: Public
Holes: 9
Reserve Advance Tee Times:

Mercedes, TX Golf Courses

La Floresta Golf Course

Course Access: Private
Holes: 9
Reserve Advance Tee Times:

Mercedes, TX Golf Courses

Things to do near Mercedes, TX

Panna Maria Visitors' Center

Administered by the Panna Maria Historical Society, the center is housed in the 1875 Pilarczyk Store. Souvenirs, handmade cra...

Tierra Del Sol Golf Club

Course Access: PublicHoles: 18Reserve Advance Tee Times: 2 days...

Presidio La Bahia

As conquistadors of centuries ago explored new lands for "God, Gold and Glory," the Church played an integral part in coloniz...

The Alamo City Grand Tour

Blending the history of San Antonio with its current culture, the Alamo City Grand Tour offers an encompassing view of the Sa...

World's Largest Strawberry

Celebrating the distinction of producing 40 percent of Texas' strawberries is a monument to the favorite fruit. Giant replica...