

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Korean/Vietnam Veterans Memorial of Wyandotte County

The nation's first dual war memorial is dedicated to veterans of both the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. The marble memorial with two life-size bronze statues was formally dedicated on Veterans Day 1988

Kansas City, KS Memorials

White Church Christian Church

White Church Christian Church was established in 1832 and is known as the oldest church in the state of Kansas that is still in use. The native stone church includes 21

Kansas City, KS Historic Churches

Grinter Place State Historic Site

The first permanent white settler in Wyandotte County was Moses Grinter. He built Grinter House in 1857 which is now a National Historical Site which overlooks the Kansas River.

Kansas City, KS Museums

Anthology of Argentine Wall

The prevailing spirit of Argentine and its people inspired local artists to document the life and times of residents of the Argentine area with a mural that is 220 yards in length and its highest point is 30

Kansas City, KS Arts

Granada Theatre

The historic Granada Theatre, built in 1929, is one of the last operating movie palaces in the Midwest, a testimony to the roaring '20s era.

Kansas City, KS Historic Theatres

Things to do near Kansas City, KS