

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Beaver County's Oldest Tree

Beaver County's oldest tree estimated to be over 120 years old has a reserved spot of distinction in the Lingering Memories Park, a spot in downtown Beaver dedicated to the early pioneers of the area.

Beaver, OK Natural Attractions

Beaver River Wildlife Management Area

The Beaver River Wildlife Management Area is located just west of Beaver. This area covers 16,000

Beaver, OK Recreation

Beaver State Park

Approximately 520 acres in size, Beaver State Park is located in Oklahoma's panhandle region, near the city of Beaver. This park is in an area of many environmental contrasts between quiet, sheltered low pockets amidst high sand dunes exposed to the harsh panhandle elements.

Beaver, OK Recreation

Things to do near Beaver, OK

Alva Municipal Airport Museum

The Alva Municipal Airport Museum provides an interesting look into the past with a section on the World War II prisoner of w...