Pawhuska, Oklahoma
Osage County Courthouse
The County Courthouse building was completed in 1914. Osage County is the largest county in Oklahoma, twice as large as the entire state of Rhode Island and Delaware combined. ...
Osage County Courthouse
The theater was originally built as the Pawhuska House Hotel in the 1880's. In 1911, Mr. C.C. Constantine purchased the building and remodeled it into the elegant Constantine Theater. In 1987, a group of concerned citizens began a long, tedious renovation. It is now over 90%
Pawhuska, OK Historic TheatresSuperintendent's Home has been the residence to 30 Osage Agency Superintendents. In 1994, the home was turned into administrative offices for the recently formed Osage National Council. This building is constructed of sandstone quarried in Osage County and is listed on the
Pawhuska, OK Ethnic HeritageBuilt in 1871, this 5 room house with native timbers and 18" thick sandstone walls was the first to be built in Pawhuska. When the Osage were moved from Kansas, Sid Delarue, a Swiss blacksmith, was promised the house if he would come to care for their horses. Listed on the
Pawhuska, OK Pioneer HistoryThis church is known widely as the "Cathedral of the Osage". Special permission from the Vatican had to be granted to depict living tribal members in the glorious stained glass that was crafted in Munich, Germany in 1919
Pawhuska, OK Historic Churches18 holes. ...
1913 home on National Historic Register. Original furnishings, medical equipment and vintage clothing. ...
18 holes. ...