

Camden, Arkansas

  • McCollum-Chidester House

    Directions: Ark. 278, which leads into town, becomes Washington Street Built for Peter McCollum in 1847, this museum features some of the original furnishings which were brought up the Mississippi by...
    McCollum-Chidester House
  • Graham-Gaughan-Betts Home

    Built for Major Joseph M. Graham and his wife Mary Washington (first cousin of George Washington) in 1856, this home served as headquarters of Union General Frederick Steele during the Union occupatio...
    Graham-Gaughan-Betts Home

Attractions and Upcoming Events

McCollum-Chidester House

Directions: Ark. 278, which leads into town, becomes Washington Street Built for Peter McCollum in 1847, this museum features some of the original furnishings which were brought up the Mississippi by steamboat from New Orleans in 1863

Camden, AR Historic Homes

Camden Driving & Garden Tours

Directions: Chamber Of Commerce Office Self-guided driving tour of homes; private garden tours;

Camden, AR Tours

Graham-Gaughan-Betts Home

Built for Major Joseph M. Graham and his wife Mary Washington (first cousin of George Washington) in 1856, this home served as headquarters of Union General Frederick Steele during the Union occupation of Camden in 1864. Furnished in period furniture; open for tours by appointment.

Camden, AR Historic Homes

Things to do near Camden, AR

Prairie DeAnn Battlefield

The scene of heavy skirmishes April 9-12, 1864 as Southern soldiers sought to blunt the Union drive toward the Red River. Tho...

Dexter Harding House Tourist Information Center

Built in 1850, this historic building was originally home of a grist mill; serves as area tourist information cemter with bro...

Marks' Mills Cemetery Park

Directions: 1/4 mile north of Ark. 8 Features an intact section of the Camden-Pine Bluff Road, where one of Union General Fr...

Bradley County Veterans' Museum

For over 140 years, Bradley County's sons and daughters have served their country in times of peace and war. Their stories an...

Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Historical Museum

Traces history from 1830 to present housed in a carefully restored Union Station depot; guided tours on request ...