Mexico, Missouri
Country School
School built in 1903, moved to present location at the museum complex in 1989. Period furnishings....
Country School
Church was built in 1889. Moved to present location at the Museum complex in 1998
Mexico, MO Historic ChurchesAntebellum mansion with period furnishings, fashions room, child'
Mexico, MO MuseumsThe commercial district in Clarksville is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is one of the last to...
10 Field, Sporting Clays Course, located in a rural setting, giving you a hunting atmosphere, not a shoot club....
Museum encloses a two-room cabin in which Samuel Clemens was born in 1835. Many of his personal items and books are displayed...
The historic home of Champ Clark, speaker of the House of Representatives, 1911 - 1919. Restored with authentic and equivalen...