

Hays, Kansas

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Boot Hill Cemetery

The original Boot Hill was located in Hays not Dodge City, as many people believe. In fact, when Dodge City was founded in 1872, the Hays City Boot Hill was well populated. Mrs. Elizabeth Custer spent the summers of 1869 and 1870

Hays, KS Cemeteries

Volga-German Heritage

Volga German settlers began arriving in Ellis County in the mid-1870'

Hays, KS Ethnic Heritage

Volga-German House

Located on the grounds of the Ellis County Historical Museum is a replica of a Volga German house furnished with authentic household items used by the Volga German settlers. The first homes built by our early settlers were constructed of sod. Typically the homes were 28 feet long and 16

Hays, KS Museums

Mt. Allen Cemetery Tree Swings

As with many of the cemetery stories and records that date back to 100

Hays, KS Cemeteries

Hays F.E.E.T Trail - Walking/Hiking/Biking Trails

There are four locations in Hays to take advantage of walking trails, trek out on a biking path, hike along the creek or enjoy a leisurely walk. The Hays Medical Center Fitness Trail is located behind the Hays Medical Center (2220 Canterbury Drive) and just east of the employee/

Hays, KS Parks

Things to do near Hays, KS