

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Alabama-Coushatta Indian Reservation

Home of Alabama and Coushatta Indians, part of Southern forest tribes, in dense, wooded area known as the Big Thicket. Sam Houston, a staunch friend of Indians, was influential in having reservation created in 1850

Livingston, TX Indian Reservations

Mill Ridge Golf Club

Course Access: Public
Holes: 9
Reserve Advance Tee Times: 2

Livingston, TX Golf Courses

Things to do near Livingston, TX

Historic Homes Tours

Many of city's fine old homes are open during annual Historical Pilgrimage, first weekend in May and Candlelight Tour first t...

Camp Ford

A historical marker identifies largest prisoner of war compound used for union troops west of the Mississippi. Replica of pri...

Martin Creek Lake State Park

Martin Creek Lake State Park consists of 286.9 acres. It is located just 5 miles south of Tatum on Highway 43. Facilit...

Jonas Davis Cabin

Historic log cabin relocated downtown....

Old Stone Fort

The museum is housed in a 1936 replica, built on a new site, of Don Antonio Gil Y'Barbo's stone house. Y'Barbo, founder of Na...