New Haven, Connecticut
Amistad Memorial
Fourteen-foot, three-dimensional bronze statue portraying Senghe Pieh (Joseph Cinque), leader of the Amistad Revolt. Situated on the exact site of the jail where the captives were held....
Amistad Memorial
Former Farnam Estate, Georgian mansion is located in an historic district and minutes from Yale University. Seven rooms (some with private bath)
New Haven, CT LodgingDesigned by Louis Kahn, the museum houses the largest and most comprehensive collection of British art outside the United Kingdom. Its foundation is the gift of paintings, drawings prints, rare books, manuscripts, and sculpture donated by Paul Mellon (Yale class 1929)
New Haven, CT MuseumsEuropean-style hotel adjacent to Yale University. 86 units (seven suites)
New Haven, CT LodgingHistoric home (c.1818) with spacious rooms, set on 2.5 acres of rolling lawns and extensive gardens. Five rooms, private bath...
Backstage tours of the legendary theater, including its famous 'graffiti' walls. Reservations required....
One of the nine "squares" in the city's 1638 village plan. Its three churches are outstanding examples of Gothic, Federalist,...
Chef-owned bed and breakfast. Charming cottage offers one suite, private bath, TV; beach pass....
Located in historic 1890s district along Long Island Sound with waterviews, fireplace in reception room. Three suites with li...