

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Things to do near Fritch, TX

Paradise on the Brazos

Enjoy rock climbing, mountain biking, and tent camping on this 1,000-acre ranch located on the Brazos River just south of tow...

The Plex Entertainment Center

Features go-karts, bumper boats, video arcade, two 18-hole miniature golf courses, and more. Fun for young and old....

Angelo State Univ. Planetarium

Nation's fourth largest university planetarium features a three dimensional view of the universe with sparkling stars and cel...

Dickens County Springs Park

72-acre scenic parkland features walking trails along side springs. Picnic areas enclosed by a tepee and a branded chuckwagon...

Fort Richardson State Historical Park - Camping

From town square: US 281 S 1 mi. Wheeled-camper or tent sites w/elec & water 23. Limit 14 days; rsvns acptd. Primitive campin...