

Levelland, Texas

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Things to do near Levelland, TX

Bar H Dude Ranch

From a hearty chuckwagon breakfast to mesquite-grilled steaks at dinner, activities are tailored to suit your interests. Depe...

Knox County Museum

Barbed-wire collection and other relics from early settlers on view in county courthouse, which was built in 1936 to replace ...

Replica of World's Tallest Windmill

Originally constructed of wood in El Canyon de las Casas Amarillas (The Canyon of the Yellow Houses) on the XIT Ranch in 1887...

McClesky Number 1

Site of 1,700-barrel-per-day oil gusher that touched off Ranger's fantastic oil boom in 1917. Marked by granite monument at T...

Twin Buttes Reservoir

Twin Buttes suffered extremely low levels until fall 2004 when it caught over 20 feet of water. Fish populations will be in a...