Boise City, Oklahoma
Dinosaur Tracks
A series of dinosaur tracks in a strata of solid rock may be seen in the bed of a creek near the Black Mesa. The area where the tracks are found was at one time a swamp and forest area. At times, foll...
Dinosaur TracksBlack Mesa
Lava from an extinct volcano created the rugged setting of the Black Mesa which is the highest point in Oklahoma, just short of 5,000 feet above sea level. Here in the western end of Cimarron Count...
Black Mesa"Old Maid" and "The Wedding Party"
About six miles east of Kenton, a group of formations can be seen east of the 101 Ranch on the south side of the road. This group is known as "The Three Sisters" or "The Wedding Party". One mile furth...
"Old Maid" and "The Wedding Party"Autograph Rock
Autograph Rock contains hundreds of carved signatures of Santa Fe travelers and others dating as early as 1826. Autograph Rock is a 200 yard long rock cliff about 20-25 feet high. There are over 323 n...
Autograph Rock