Ripley, West Virginia
WV Appaloosa Horse Club - Horse Shows (April-June)
The WV Appaloosa Horse Club will be having a horse show on April 28, May 26, and June 30, the shows will begin at 2 pm. Admission entry fees for all classes’ $7.00 spectator entry fee $3.00 under 10 ...
WV Appaloosa Horse Club - Horse Shows (April-June)WV Appaloosa Horse Club - Horse Shows (August-September)
The WV Appaloosa Horse Club will be having horse shows at the Jackson County Fairgrounds on August 25, and September 22 the show will begin at 2 pm. Admission entry fees for all classes’ $7.00 spect...
WV Appaloosa Horse Club - Horse Shows (August-September)Jackson County Gospel Sing
The Jackson County Gospel Sing Group is hosting a gospel sing this event is family oriented event. The Sing will start on Friday, June 23 at 7 pm and Saturday, June 24 will begin at 3 pm. The gospel s...
Jackson County Gospel SingBend Area Gospel Jubilee
17th Annual Bend Area Gospel Jubilee over 50 singing groups from eight different states. The sing will begin May 15th at 6 pm. May 16 and May 19th - Saturday May 20th the singing will...
Bend Area Gospel JubileeJackson County Horse Club - Horse Shows (May-June)
The Jackson County Horse Club will be having a horse show at the Jackson County Fairgrounds on May 19 and June 16, 2007 over 40 English and Western Classes in every show the show to be announced. Ove...
Jackson County Horse Club - Horse Shows (May-June)Jackson County Horse Club - Horse Shows (July-August)
The Jackson County Horse Club will be having a horse show at the Jackson County Fairgrounds on July 14 and August 18, 2007 over 40 English and Western Classes in every show the show to be announced. ...
Jackson County Horse Club - Horse Shows (July-August)Jackson County Horse Club - Horse Shows (Sept-Oct)
The Jackson County Horse Club will be having a horse show at the Jackson County Fairgrounds on September 15 and October 13, 2007 over 40 English and Western Classes in every show the show to be announ...
Jackson County Horse Club - Horse Shows (Sept-Oct)