

Martinsburg, West Virginia

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Apollo Theaterhe - Fantasticks

May 9,10 performances at 8:00pm.
Tickets: Adults $15.00, children $7.00
May 11 performance at 2:30pm.
Tickets: Adults $12.00, children $7.00
Directions: North on I-81 to Exit 13 (King Street) in West Virginia. Turn right onto King Street and proceed approximately 1

Martinsburg, WV Other Attractions

Woodbrier Golf Course

Course Access: Public
Holes: 9
Reserve Advance Tee Times:

Martinsburg, WV Golf Courses

Apollo Civic Theatre - Nunsense II

September 21, 22, 23
Fridays & Saturdays 8:00pm
Sundays 2:00pm
The Little Sisters of Hoboken oar back and zanier than ever! This second show in Dan Goggin's series of Nunsense musicals takes place six weeks after the sisters staged their first benefit, as a "thank-you"

Martinsburg, WV Theatres

First Saturday Street Fair

10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Experience local talent, shops, and eateries in a fun street setting. Featuring local artists and artisans. I-81 exit 13

Martinsburg, WV Other Events

Hospice of the Panhandle Annual Spring Fling

Hosted by Beta Sigma Phi
Held at The Clarion Hotel from 6:30-midnight.
Buffet style dinner, dessert, coffee bar and a Dance featuring Spectrum.
Tickets are $50

Martinsburg, WV Other Events

Things to do near Martinsburg, WV

Nunsense II at the Apollo Theater

Sept.14,15 performances at 8:00pm. Tickets: Adults $15.00, children $7.00 Sept.16 performance at 2:30pm. ...

Festival of Trees

A forest of trees decorated for the holiday season fills the first floor of The Arts Centre's historic home - Martinsburg's (...

Apollo Civic Theatre - It’s A Wonderful Life

Fridays & Saturdays 8:00pm Sundays at 2:00pm No Man is a Failure who has Friends. “Strange, isn’t it? Each m...

Hispanic Festival

Noon to 6:00p.m. Family entertainment, food, activities for children, vendors, and exhibits from local agencies. ...

Contemporary American Theater Festival

Contemporary American Theater Festival Season 07/06/2007--07/29/2007 The CATF has an exciting lineup of plays f...