

Parsonage provides public access to residence formerly occupied by Dr. Martin Luther King and his family (1954-1960). Interpretive Center chronicles history of era that led to Montgomery bus boycott and Civil Rights Movement.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Hank Williams Museum

Museum features Hank's 1952 Cadillac in which he made his final journey. Saddle, piano, guitars, photos, clothing, records and new showroom with 6

Montgomery, AL Museums

Mann Wildlife Learning Museum

See North American wildlife in realistic settings. Each display provides 3

Montgomery, AL Museums

Montgomery Area Visitor Center

Union Station is centerpiece of city's riverfront, and home to Montgomery's new visitor information center. Completed 1898. 3-building complex and magnificent train shed reflect the way travel was in 19th and early 20

Montgomery, AL Visitors Centers

Alabama Department of Archives & History

Alabama marble building. Oldest state-funded archives in U.S. Research government, private historical records and family genealogy. Alabama Indian, 19th-century, military and Civil Rights exhibits. For children: Grandma'

Montgomery, AL Archives

Things to do near Montgomery, AL

Cypress Tree Golf Course -West

Course Access: MilitaryHoles: 18Reserve Advance Tee Times: 2 days...

Wilcox Female Institute

Built in 1850 as girls school; now home of Wilcox Historical Society....

Alabama Judicial Building/Supreme Court & State La

Home of Alabama Supreme Court, Courts of Criminal Appeals and Civil Appeals, State Law Library, Administrative Office of Cour...

Kirk's Old Farm Museum

Private collection of turn-of-the-century farm implements and home furnishings. Also Creek Indian artifacts, memorabilia of B...