Spanning the Arkansas River as Scenic Hwy. 23, this structure is listed as one of the 16 most beautiful long spans in the U.S. by the American Institute of Steel Construction. A lighting project showcases the structure at night.
Spanning the Arkansas River as Scenic Hwy. 23, this structure is listed as one of the 16 most beautiful long spans in the U.S. by the American Institute of Steel Construction. A lighting project showcases the structure at night.
The route includes 19 miles of Ark. 23 from the south boundary of the Ozark National Forest (10 miles north of the town of Ozark) to its intersection with Ark. 16 at Brashears. The byway is located in both Franklin and Madison Counties. This major north/
Ozark, AR Scenic BywaysCanoeing and kayaking on the Mulberry River, hiking on the Ozark Highlands Trail, mountain biking, rock climbing for all levels of experience, motorcycle trails and races, horse trails, four-wheel drive obstacle course and competitions
Ozark, AR Visitors CentersAs the Arkansas River flows through the state, it reaches its northern-most point in a sweeping bend. Now a part of Ozark Lake, this big bend was called "Aux Arc"
Ozark, AR RecreationConsidered one of the state's wildest rivers during spring. From its beginnings in the Ozarks to its confluence with the Arkansas River, the Mulberry pours over ledges, shoots through willow thickets, and whips around sharp turns. These wild characteristics are what give the stream its class II/
Ozark, AR RecreationDetails the history of Ozark. ...
Carnegie Library, Classic Revival courthouse, churches, homes, downtown shopping ...
Racing modifieds, factory stocks, hobbies, mini-stocks and front-wheel drives on a three-eighths mile clay oval Saturdays at ...
The William O Darby RV Community is a secluded and private RV community right in the heart of Chaffee Crossing’s Historic D...
Creekmore Miniature Train will run May 27th thru August 30th --2009 11am to 7pm Wed - Sat Sunday 1pm - 6pm cost .25 per ...