

Lake Village, Arkansas

Housed in the old 1910 Lake Village Infirmary; contains rooms depicting antique hospital equipment, World War II exhibition room, immigration of the Italians to Sunnyside Plantation at Lake Village

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Scenic Lakeshore Drive

Tour down historic Lakeshore Drive. As you travel along, you'

Lake Village, AR Scenic Drives

Ditch Bayou Battlefield

Directions: Two Miles East Of The Junction The Ditch Bayou Battlefield of 1864 has changed greatly in the post-war years, though the ditch where Colonel Colton Greene's Rebels inflicted significant casualties on General Andrew J. Smith's attacking Federals on June 6, 1864

Lake Village, AR Battlefields

Lindbergh Marker

Historical marker on North Lakshore Drive placed at the site where Lindbergh landed his plane after conducting the first night flight to ever take place. In April 1923

Lake Village, AR Historic Markers

Great River Road National Scenic Byway

The Great River Road, Arkansas's portion of the Mississippi River Parkway, runs for 363 miles paralleling the Mississippi River in Eastern Arkansas. This scenic highway is composed of these highways: Ark. 82, U.S. 65, Ark. 4, Ark. 1, U.S. 165, Ark. 316, Ark. 318, Ark. 20, Ark. 44

Lake Village, AR Scenic Byways

Lake Chicot State Park

Food Service/Picnic Area Available On Lake/River Name of Lake/River: Lake Chicot Cabins with kitchens (many with lake view patio and fishing dock), pool, picnicking, pavilions, laundry, playground; bicycle, boat, jet ski rentals; visitor center interprets the area'

Lake Village, AR State Parks

Things to do near Lake Village, AR

Patterson Branch Historical Marker

Directions: Two miles east of Marianna Site of where the first child of Anglo-Saxon parents was born west of the Mississip...

White River National Wildlife Refuge

The refuge lies in the floodplain of the White River near where it meets the mighty Mississippi River. Long and narrow, three...

Delta Cultural Center

Museum in restored depot and storefront tells the story of efforts to settle and cultivate the fertile Delta region along the...

Paragould Mural

Directions: Right Beside Railroad Tracks In Paragould, Right Off Of Court Street Near Main Street Largest mural in Arkansa...

Desha County Museum

Ten buildings furnished with artifacts of the Delta; an agricultural building, three log houses, plantation commissary....