Demonstrations of antique farm equipment; horse-drawn plows, harrows, disks, panters, threshers, hay rakes and balers are amonng those demonstrated; steam boiler and engine, antique tractors; antique hand tools.
Demonstrations of antique farm equipment; horse-drawn plows, harrows, disks, panters, threshers, hay rakes and balers are amonng those demonstrated; steam boiler and engine, antique tractors; antique hand tools.
Family-owned facility exhibits a horse-drawn hearse and funeral buggy from the 19th century, a chapel and other exhibits.
Newport, AR MuseumsOver 5,000 dolls collected by Virginia Arnett are displayed in a private museum adjacent to her home. A rare and complete set of 'Gone With The Wind' character dolls highlights the exhibit.
Newport, AR MuseumsPerhaps the best-preserved Civil War battlefield in Arkansas, this 4,300-acre national historic site includes a seven-mile, self-guided auto tour road with 10 stops; a museum; trails; bookstore and visitor center. The March 7-8, 1862
Newport, AR MilitaryDemonstrations of antique farm equipment; horse-drawn plows, harrows, disks, panters, threshers, hay rakes and balers are amonng those demonstrated; steam boiler and engine, antique tractors;
Newport, AR MuseumsFood Service/Picnic Area Available The 1872 Courthouse museum displays artifacts dating 1840s-1920s of the Jackson County area. The Mary Woods No. 2 is a restored sternwheel paddleboat, which was used on the White River until the late 1960
Newport, AR State ParksTube rides, kneeboarding, skiing, plus leisurely sightseeing trips available; two-hour, sunset and moonlight cruise packages ...
Musical performances, theatrical productions, visual arts, additional cultural events; call for hours of operation ...
Course Access: ResortHoles: 18Reserve Advance Tee Times: 3 days...
Credit Cards Accepted: American Express, Discover Card, MasterCard, Visa Food Service/Picnic Area Available # of Units/Roo...