

Attractions and Upcoming Events

McCollum-Chidester House

Directions: Ark. 278, which leads into town, becomes Washington Street Built for Peter McCollum in 1847, this museum features some of the original furnishings which were brought up the Mississippi by steamboat from New Orleans in 1863

Camden, AR Historic Homes

Oakland Cemetery

The Confederate Section of this cemetery is the final resting place for more than 200 Confederate soldiers; over 150

Camden, AR Cemeteries

Graham-Gaughan-Betts Home

Built for Major Joseph M. Graham and his wife Mary Washington (first cousin of George Washington) in 1856, this home served as headquarters of Union General Frederick Steele during the Union occupation of Camden in 1864. Furnished in period furniture; open for tours by appointment.

Camden, AR Historic Homes

Fort Southerland Park

Fort Southerland (also known as Fort Diamond) and Fort Lookout were both part of the formidable fortifications started by Confederate troops and improved by Federal soldiers during their 1864

Camden, AR Forts

Things to do Cemeteries near Camden, AR

Marks' Mills Cemetery Park

Directions: 1/4 mile north of Ark. 8 Features an intact section of the Camden-Pine Bluff Road, where one of Union General Fr...

Oakland Cemetery

The Confederate Section of this cemetery is the final resting place for more than 200 Confederate soldiers; over 150 years of...

Magnolia City Cemetery

Directions: Six blocks south of Courthouse Square on South Washington Street. Final resting place of Major General John P...

Old Rondo Cemetery

Directions: Near Rondo United Methodist Church The tiny town of Rondo became the repository of some state records in 1864 ...

Camp White Sulphur Springs Confederate Cemetery

Used as a campground by a number of Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana units between late 1861 and early 1863. Many soldiers died ...