Superstition Farm is a working family, dairyfarm in southeast Mesa, AZ. It is home to over 1200 dairy cows. The Stechnij Family hosts farm tours that include a classroom in their Tour Barn where guests sit on haybales and hear how milk gets to the grocery store dairy case. They enjoy a guided, tractor-pulled hayride around the 30 acre farm and petting-feeding-grooming farm animals. The "Hay-mazing" haymaze is fun for children to run through.
Guests of all ages LOVE choosing from the 12 different flavors of milk that is offered at the farm. Local foods (eggs, cheese, butter, jams, pasta and honey) are available at Mooster's Moo-tique, a one of a kind country farm store. Moosters also features unique farm related books, toys and gifts.
Superstition Farm is both entertaining and educational and is a favorite for kids and the "young at heart".