

Robson's Mining World

category : Pioneer History
Robson's Arizona Mining World takes you back in time to the Nella-Meda gold mining camp, a real mine said to still contain much gold. Set in the Sonoran Desert's saguaro covered hills, it features the world's largest collection of antique mining equipment. Over 30 artifact-filled buildings include the mineral museum, assay office, trading post, general store, blacksmith, barber shop, lodge, print shop and more! Watch how the equipment was used like the old stamp mill, steam generating plant and a working '40s mill.

Explore trails that lead to an ancient Indian campsite, an old stage stop, and miles of untouched desert wilderness! Share in panning for gold and cowboy-style cookouts! This is a land of spectacular scenery, star-filled skies, and a birdwatchers paradise.

Admission: Admission
Hours: Season opens October 1st & closes May 1st
Phone: 928-685-2609
Our Email:
West Hwy 60 toward Aguila (20 miles) turn right on AZ Rt 71, go 4 1/2 miles to Robson's large sign on left. Turn left.

Come visit us in Wickenburg, Arizona

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Santa Fe Depot

The Santa Fe Depot at Wickenburg, Arizona, was the last of the original wooden depots on the Santa Fe Railroad Line by the 1920s, when Santa Fe decided the "old wooden depot"

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Western Sculpture

"Thanks For The Rain" The life-size bronze sculpture was created by Joe Beeler in 1988

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Vulture Peak

Vulture Peak Trail is a short but steep trail that takes hikers from the base of Vulture Peak (2,480 feet) to a saddle (3,420 feet) just below the summit in only two miles. From this point, experienced hikers can "scramble" up an extremely steep and narrow "chute"

Wickenburg, AZ Hiking Trails

E. Bowman, PRCA Champ

Everett Bowman made Wickenburg his home after a highlighted career as a World Champion, All-Around Cowboy. Born in Hope, New Mexico in July, 1899, Everett Bowman was World Champion in 1935 - 1937; champion steer wrestler in 1930, 1935 and 1938; champion steer roper in 1927;

Wickenburg, AZ Famous People

Jail Tree

This 200 year-old mesquite tree once served as Wickenburg's Jail. From 1863 to 1890

Wickenburg, AZ Pioneer History

Things to do Pioneer History near Wickenburg, AZ

Vulture Mine

Discovered in 1863 by the Austrian Henry Wickenburg, Vulture Mine was the largest producing gold mine in the history of Arizo...

Robson's Mining World

Robson's Arizona Mining World takes you back in time to the Nella-Meda gold mining camp, a real mine said to still contain mu...

Tubercular Cabin

The Cave Creek Museum's original Tubercular cabin, one of 16 cabins that made up a local TB camp, was placed on the Nation...