

Conducted by Montfort Missionaries. 35-acre shrine with replica of the grotto of Lourdes in France, Stations of the Cross, picnic area, gift shop, food available.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Livingston Ripley Waterfowl Sanctuary

Home to more than 50 species of waterfowl, that inhabits a series of natural ponds and covered aviaries within 37 acres of wetland habitat. Guided tours introduce visitors to LRWS'

Litchfield, CT Nature Centers

Tollgate Hill Inn

1745 restored Captain William Bull Tavern and listed on the National Register of Historic Place, located on ten acres with three buildings. 20 guestrooms (five suites with fireplace), TV, pets;

Litchfield, CT Lodging

Things to do near Litchfield, CT

North American Outdoor Adventures

Whitewater rafting on the Housatonic River, Classes II through V; technical drops or scenic trips. Trips include licensed gui...

Earl Grey B&B at Chittenden House

Historic, very private house with extensive gardens. One room with fireplace, French doors to private terrace and garden; ano...

7C Herb Garden B&B

1730s home located on four hillside acres, half an acre of organic herb and vegetable gardens, gift shop and greenhouse. Two ...