One-room school where patriot spy and Connecticut's state hero Nathan Hale taught (1774-1775).
One-room school where patriot spy and Connecticut's state hero Nathan Hale taught (1774-1775).
One of the nation's four military academies. Museum spans the 200-year history America?s premier maritime service. Tall ship Eagle open Fri.-Sun. 1-5
New London, CT AcademiesBoyhood home of Nobel Prize-winning playwright Eugene O'Neill; named for the Count of Monte Cristo, his actor-father's most famous role. Setting for O'Neill's "Long Day's Journey Into Night" and his only comedy, "Ah, Wilderness!"
New London, CT ArtsConnecticut's naval war office during American Revolution. Guided tours with emphasis on West Indies trade, early New London ...
Built in c.1740 and former home of Connecticut's Revolutionary War Governor (1769-1784). Birthplace of patriot artist John Tr...
195 sites....
1758 farm furnished with antiques, located on 900 private acres. Six rooms (two-bedroom suite with private entrance), private...
Historic 1845 Greek Revival home filled with art and antiques, private boat rides. Two rooms, private bath, whirlpool, a/c, T...