Distributor of fine container plants since 1892 by the Logee family. Over 1,500 varieties of indoor tropical plants including rare herbs, geraniums; 400 varieties of begonias.
Distributor of fine container plants since 1892 by the Logee family. Over 1,500 varieties of indoor tropical plants including rare herbs, geraniums; 400 varieties of begonias.
Distributor of fine container plants since 1892 by the Logee family. Over 1,500 varieties of indoor tropical plants including rare herbs, geraniums; 400
Danielson, CT GardensNew England's first academy for Black women (1833-34), established by Connecticut's female state hero. Changing exhibits, per...
127 units, lounge, rest., TV, exercise room, I pool; shuttle to casinos....
1784 Colonial home and carriage house located by Mystic River with perennial gardens and gazebo. Eight rooms (six rooms with ...
Historic 1795 country house with antiques, sun porch, and stone walls, located along scenic biway. Six rooms, private bath, T...