Restored 1848 grist mill with intact machinery and millstones. Also visit the old country school on site.
Restored 1848 grist mill with intact machinery and millstones. Also visit the old country school on site.
Restored 1848 grist mill with intact machinery and millstones. Also visit the old country school on site.
Muscatine, IA MillsVisit 1908 Edwardian mansion, which houses French Impressionist works and American decorative arts. Large contemporary gallery features changing exhibitions, Japanese garden and sculpture court.
Muscatine, IA Art CentersMuseum showcases machinery and memorabilia illustrating the button-making process. The History & Industry Center interprets local industrial history with an emphasis on pearl button manufacturing. Muscatine was known as the "Pearl Button Capital of the World"
Muscatine, IA Museums Course Access: Public
Holes: 18
Reserve Advance Tee Times: 7
Course Access: Private
Holes: 18
Reserve Advance Tee Times: 7
Course Access: Semi-PrivateHoles: 9Reserve Advance Tee Times: Yes...
Step into an Old World atmosphere along the Cedar River at the bridge of the lions. Visit an interesting variety of ethnic, g...
The Industrial Machine Shop Museum dates back to 1860 and was the original repair shop for the Amana Woolen Mill. The museum ...
Three major galleries focus on natural science and natural history of Iowa and the Midwest. Newly remodeled Hageboeck Hall fe...
Gathered around the old wooden two-story depot and representing Kalona's past is a cluster of historic buildings, including t...