

Edgar County Historical Society

category : Museums
Compare pioneer and Victorian lifestyle when you visit the log cabin and brick Italianate home. An exhibition gallery and program space in an adjacent building features rotating exhibits of the society's collection.

Hours: W-F: 9am-4pm. Closed Major Holidays.
Address: 414 N. Main
Phone: 217-463-5305
Wheelchair Accessible Facility

Come visit us in Paris, Illinois

Attractions and Upcoming Events

English Farm

As you drive by this farm, your eye is drawn upward to a towering brick structure near the modern brick home. The building, erected around 1913

Paris, IL Historic Buildings

Pumpkin Works

9 mazes, bon fires, hayrack rides, artisan gifts, 50 varities of pumpkins, gourds, indian corn. 7 Mazes (adult challenging) 5 mazes (wheelchair accessible)bonfires (appointment only) school tours available (appointment only) please no pets!

Paris, IL Mazes

Indian Treaty Site

A marker commemorates where two important trails intersected on the prairie - Detroit to St Louis and Peoria to Terre Haute. In 1765

Paris, IL Historic Sites

North Arm

North Arm is the oldest continuously operating Catholic church in the Springfield diocese. Founded in 1817 by 17 families from Kentucky, the journey was blessed by Fr. Theodore Badin, the first Catholic priest ordained in the U.S. The current church was built in 1901

Paris, IL Historic Churches

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Heritage In Flight Museum

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Fairbury Echoes Museum

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