

Illinois Executive Mansion

category : Famous Homes
Illinois Executive Mansion Home of the Illinois Governor, the mansion is the third oldest, continuously occupied Governor's home in the nation. Seven US presidents including Lincoln have been received here. Three levels are open to the public including four formal parlors.

Hours: T, Th: 9:30am-11am, 2pm-3:30pm. Sat: 9:30am-11am. Closed major holidays.
Address: 410 E. Jackson
Phone: 217-782-6450
Wheelchair Accessible Facility

Come visit us in Springfield, Illinois

Attractions and Upcoming Events

World War II Illinois Veterans Memorial

The focal point of the World War II Illinois Veterans Memorial is a globe of the world symbolizing the conflict that involved more than 200 nations. More than 70

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Museum of Funeral Customs

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Illinois Korean War Memorial

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Lincoln Tomb State Historic Site

The final resting place of President Lincoln, his wife and three of their four children. Constructed 1869-1874

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Lincoln-Herndon Law Offices State Historic Site

The only remaining structure where Abraham Lincoln maintained working law offices. Lincoln and his final law partner, William Herndon, operated from the top floor of the 1840 building. The interior looks as it did in Lincoln'

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