The 1836 Weir House is filled with an amazing display of artifacts representing local and county history with the recent addition of a historic research library.
The 1836 Weir House is filled with an amazing display of artifacts representing local and county history with the recent addition of a historic research library.
This bridge was built in 1927. The fifth bridge to cross the Mississippi River connecting Illinois and Missouri, it shortened the distance between North St Louis and Edwardsville, Illinois by 15
Edwardsville, IL Historic BridgesEdward Coles was the second governor of Illinois (1822-1826). A former slaveowner from Virginia, Coles became an abolitionist and won the 1822
Edwardsville, IL Memorials Course Access: Public
Holes: 27
Reserve Advance Tee Times: 1
Course Access: PublicHoles: 18Reserve Advance Tee Times: 7 days...
The winery specializes in fruit and herb based wines including peach, raspberry, red and white grape, licorice, dill, and min...
Course Access: Semi-PrivateHoles: 18Reserve Advance Tee Times: 4 days...
Illinois' only down-state, year-round thoroughbred horsetrack....
Through the exhibits, we share with you our past and present so that you too may discover the people, places and events that ...