

Clay Center, Kansas

The historic combination house theatre, circa 1912, will provide a home for the North Central Kansas Community Chamber Orchestra which will perform on a regular basis. Other forms of entertainment will consist of live bands, community and area players groups and stand-up comedy.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Civil War Memorial

The Civil War Memorial erected in 1911 is dedicated to those who fought in the war between the states, and proudly graces the courthouse square on the west side of the historic courthouse.

Clay Center, KS Memorials

Clay Center Post Office

The Clay Center Post Office is a stately building built in 1911

Clay Center, KS Historic Buildings

Carnegie Library

Circa 1912, the Library is on the National Register of Historic Places

Clay Center, KS Carnegie Libraries

Vietnam War Memorial

The Vietnam War Memorial, dedicated in 1997, was created by Sandy Scott and stands in tribute to those veterans at the West entrance to the historic courthouse in downtown Clay Center.

Clay Center, KS Memorials

Heritage Row Museum Complex

Heritage Row is representative of the early founders of our community. Some of the first buildings of Clay Center can be found there. It is located at the West end of Clay Center on highway 24

Clay Center, KS Museums

Things to do near Clay Center, KS

Abilene Driving Tour of Historic Markers

28 bronze markers have been placed through-out the city of Abilene indicating historic sites....

Butler County Fishing Lake

Enjoy outdoor recreation at Butler County Fishing Lake. Basic camping, boating, boatlaunching, and picnic facilities. Wakeles...

Marion Reservoir Fishing Report

WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT ACCURATE FISHING REPORTS: This is just to remind you that fishing reports are given with the bes...