

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Chaplin Nature Center

Along the sandy beaches of the Arkansas River, Chaplin Nature Center combines 200

Arkansas City, KS Nature Centers

Cowley County Community College

Cowley County Community College, (CCCC), dates back to 1922 when it began as Arkansas City Junior College. The vocational-technical school was added in 1967, making Cowley the first community college in Kansas to combine technical and general curriculums. At present, there are 2,000

Arkansas City, KS Colleges

Stan Herd's Prairie Man

Prairie Man is an artistic response to a Kansas petroglyph of an original prairie dweller. The three-acre Prairie Man was created by subtle manipulations of ancient prairie grasses on a south-sloping face of a rock-strewn dry watershed. The piece can be seen from both highway and the air.

Arkansas City, KS Arts

Horizon United Methodist Center

"Camp Horizon" is nestled in 160 wooded acres on a bluff overlooking the Arkansas River. Purchased by John Hall in 1945 with the dream of building a youth camp, it now provides for a variety of outdoor and recreational experiences.

Arkansas City, KS Trails

Cherokee Strip Land Rush Museum

This area was made famous as the gateway to the Cherokee Strip Land Rush that was later called "The Largest Race in World History." This movement attracted settlers from all over the world. Over 110,000

Arkansas City, KS Museums

Attractions near Arkansas City, KS

Council Grove Birdwatching

Scenic Council Grove Reservoir attracts flocks of migrating ducks, geese, cormorants, and gulls. In winter bald eagles are fr...


There are more than 108,000 acres of public hunting land in the Manhattan area. All are free and open to licensed hunters dur...

Winfield City Lake

North East of Winfield, Winfield City Lake is used for boating, fishing, picnics, and camping. Camper hookup facilities ar...