Swensson Park is located at 400 N. Main Street between Olsson and Swensson Streets. It provides picnic facilities, a children's playground, lily pond, the community bandshell, and tennis courts.
Lucia Park, 105 South Main, is a downtown sitting park for a provided for your shopping break. A public restroom is available.
Old Mill Park at 120 Mill Street behind the Old Mill Museum borders the river banks of the Smoky Hill River and offers a pastoral setting for picnickers, fishermen and those who wish to launch their canoes in the river.
Riverside Park , 400 First Street, lies between Lindsborg and Mill Streets. It contains picnic facilities, a children's play ground, horse shoe pits, pool, sand volleyball, tennis courts, and memoria gardens.
Carlson Park, at Lincoln and Chestnut, is an Outdoor Wildlife Learning Site.