

Lindsborg, Kansas

Swede Sk8 Skate Park is a public outdoor concrete area specially designed and constructed for people practicing and performing on skateboards, trick bicycles, scooters, or roller blades.

Located along the Välkommen Trail on Kansas Street.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Höglund Dugout

Arriving in the fall of 1868, Gustaf Hoglund proceeded to dig a dugout to serve as some protection. The dugout served as the family home until 1874. The Smoky Valley Historical Association maintains the Hoglund Dugout, now a historical site marking an example of an early Scandinavian home.

Lindsborg, KS Historic Sites

Raymer's Red Barn Studio

The Raymer Society for the Arts presents Lester Raymer'

Lindsborg, KS Arts

Wild Dala Herd

Chicago May Have Cows but Lindsborg has Wild Dala Horses! The Herd of Wild Dala Horses, one of the 8

Lindsborg, KS Art

Art in Public Places

A project of the Lindsborg Arts Council, Art in Public Places is a walking tour of the wide variety of displays in downtown Lindsborg. The multi media displays include paintings, tilework, sculpute and reliefs. Pick up a brochure at the Lindsborg CVB located at 104

Lindsborg, KS Art

McPherson County Old Mill Museum

The Museum complex includes the restored 1898

Lindsborg, KS Museums

Things to do near Lindsborg, KS