

Lindsborg, Kansas

Chicago May Have Cows but Lindsborg has Wild Dala Horses!

The Herd of Wild Dala Horses, one of the 8 Wonders of Kansas Customs, roams freely throughout Lindsborg. The traditional Dala shape provides the base for the creatively painted Wild Dala horses, celebrating contemporary Lindsborg - its history, Swedish-Americana, the arts, everyday work and life, local groups and families and, of course, wordplay. The Wild Dalas of Lindsborg official guide will help you to locate the herd both indoors and out.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Swedish Pavilion

The Swedish Pavilion is one of seven historic buildings on display at the Old Mill Heritage Square. The Swedish Pavilion was Sweden's exhibit at the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis. At the close of the World'

Lindsborg, KS Historic Buildings

Höglund Dugout

Arriving in the fall of 1868, Gustaf Hoglund proceeded to dig a dugout to serve as some protection. The dugout served as the family home until 1874. The Smoky Valley Historical Association maintains the Hoglund Dugout, now a historical site marking an example of an early Scandinavian home.

Lindsborg, KS Historic Sites

Birger Sandzen Memorial Gallery

The gallery holds an extensive collection of fine art from the master. It is a tribute to the beloved Swedish art teacher at Bethany College, the late Birger Sandzen. Here one may find oil and watercolor paintings, prints and woodblocks and more by Sandzen, as well as objects from the gallery'

Lindsborg, KS Arts

Anton Pearson Woodcarving Studio

The Pearson Woodcarving Studio, located is the oldest artist's studio in Lindsborg, preserves the memory of early pioneers. Son in law, Norman Malm, a prolific artist, continues the woodcarving tradition. A large collection of his pen and ink drawings and satire cartoons are shown as well. Norman'

Lindsborg, KS Art Galleries

Things to do near Lindsborg, KS

Durland Park

Located on East Main Street. This park is a great place to have lunch in the shade and visit some of Council Grove's historic...

One-Room Dobbs School Museum

Visit the authentic 1800's, Dobbs School, a one-room rural schoolhouse originally from Marion, Kansas. The inside furnishings...

All Nations Native American Center

Cowley County has the tenth largest Native American population in the State of Kansas. Incorporated in August of 1996, the Al...