

Lindsborg, Kansas

"Where Did They Live? Early Residences of Lindsborg, KS."

This is a self guided street / sidewalk tour of the historic homes of early residences of Lindsborg. Stroll the shaded neighborhoods and observe Italianate, Neoclassical, Queen Anne, and German medieval architectural influences spanning over 100 years. Pick up a brochure at the CVB office.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

City Parks

Swensson Park is located at 400 N. Main Street between Olsson and Swensson Streets. It provides picnic facilities, a children's playground, lily pond, the community bandshell, and tennis courts.

Lucia Park, 105

Lindsborg, KS Recreation

Anton Pearson Woodcarving Studio

The Pearson Woodcarving Studio, located is the oldest artist's studio in Lindsborg, preserves the memory of early pioneers. Son in law, Norman Malm, a prolific artist, continues the woodcarving tradition. A large collection of his pen and ink drawings and satire cartoons are shown as well. Norman'

Lindsborg, KS Art Galleries

Birger Sandzen Memorial Gallery

The gallery holds an extensive collection of fine art from the master. It is a tribute to the beloved Swedish art teacher at Bethany College, the late Birger Sandzen. Here one may find oil and watercolor paintings, prints and woodblocks and more by Sandzen, as well as objects from the gallery'

Lindsborg, KS Arts

Art in Public Places

A project of the Lindsborg Arts Council, Art in Public Places is a walking tour of the wide variety of displays in downtown Lindsborg. The multi media displays include paintings, tilework, sculpute and reliefs. Pick up a brochure at the Lindsborg CVB located at 104

Lindsborg, KS Art

Things to do near Lindsborg, KS

The Trading Station

Deals are always made at the Trading Station. You will find a variety of goods from which to choose, including guns, ammunit...