Reflective of a prosperous midwestern family in the early years of the century, this home of Lutheran immigrant, William F. Schaeffler from Germany, was constructed in 1909. Part of the reason the house is now a museum could be attributed to its "modern" construction, making it modern then and interesting to visitors today. The house features an open staircase, wrap-around front porch, pocket doors, servants' staircase, dumb waiter, carbide gas running to each room for lighting, strictly decorative fireplaces, inside bathrooms probably used only at night and for the sick, and a carriage house.
Much of the charm of the Schaeffler House Museum comes from the items left by the family and those added by the historical society. The family left a beautiful 12-place china set which is set on the dining room table and stored in a china cabinet that highlights its beauty. The office cabinets are stackable oak shelving, which run at several hundred dollars per stack and there are 10 stacks.
The master bedroom houses an exhibit of Hillsboro Business and Industry containing pictures, portraits, a vintage Zenith television, and High School memorbilia.
Hear the history of the famous Schaeffler Mercantile Store while guided through the home.