

Council Grove, Kansas

This statue honors the Native American Kaw or Kansa Tribe. Together with the Madonna of the Trail, these two statues symbolize the true story of the West. This bronze statue was created by Council Grove artist Mark Sampsel and was authrorized by Kaw Nation of Oklahoma.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Post Office Oak and Museum

This 300-year-old bur oak (just the trunk remains) served as the unofficial post office for travelers on the Santa Fe Trail from 1825-1847. Passing caravans could leave messages for future travelers in a cache in the base of the tree. A stone building erected in 1864

Council Grove, KS Landmarks

Council Grove National Bank Building

Completed in 1887, this bank that anchors a corner of downtown is a fine example of Western Commerical architecture. The exterior of the building was refurbished in 1974 and, after a 1978 fire, additional work restored the lobby to an appearance reminiscent of 1887. Listed on the

Council Grove, KS Historic Buildings

Council Oak

A shelter east of the Neosho River bridge protects the stump of the Council Oak. Gathered in the shade of the big oak on a hot August day in 1825

Council Grove, KS Landmarks

Early Day Jail

Desperadoes, ruffians, robbers and horse thieves all "bunked" here in this early day calaboose (jail), built in 1849. It was said to be the only jail on the Santa Fe Trail at the time. Other Durland Park attractions:

Council Grove, KS Pioneer Life

Farmers and Drovers Bank Building

A Council Grove landmark, the Farmers and Drovers Bank is one of the community's most ornate buildings. The two-story red brick bank with limestone trim was built in 1892 for $20,000. Its "eclectic"

Council Grove, KS Historic Buildings

Things to do near Council Grove, KS

Latham Cemetery

The Latham Cemetery has stone markers dating to the early period of the town's history in the late 1880s. Cemetery records c...