

Alma, Kansas

This house was built in the 1880s and is currently owned by the City of Alma. Several prominent business persons were associated with its history. Herman Richter was responsible for the building of the home. Mr. Richter lived in this house and owned and operated a funeral home that was located on the now vacant lot on mainstreet.

Mr. John Limerick held a mortgage on the property at one time.

Mr. Fred Lutz and his wife lived in the house and he owned several different businesses in Alma. At this time efforts are being made to preserve this house.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Alma United Methodist Church

This wood frame church was built and dedicated to the Glory of God in 1878. The frame building was of a simple design with narrow pointed gothic arched windows and a slender belfry atop the roof, which boasted the first church bell in Alma. In 1906

Alma, KS Historic Churches

Historic Stone Fences

The federal government abolished the open range in a law passed in 1867. The government paid farmers $.40 per rod (16.5 feet) to build and maintain a 4.5

Alma, KS Scenic Drives

City Well and Log Cabin

The City Well is a hand dug well enclosed in a native stone building, which was built in 1930. Well No. 3 was one of seven wells of which three were hand jug wells that supplied water to the City of Alma. In 1967

Alma, KS Historic Buildings

D.R. and E.W. Bruman/Schroeder Residence

Over the door, chiseled in ornate German script the date, 1882

Alma, KS Famous Homes

Things to do near Alma, KS