

Alma, Kansas

This house was located in the middle of several lots, but at the same general location years ago, perhaps in the early 1880s. It was a Kindergarten school. The early German settlers brought with them from Germany the word and the idea of early education.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Stone House in City Park

This house was built in the 1880

Alma, KS Famous Homes

City Well and Log Cabin

The City Well is a hand dug well enclosed in a native stone building, which was built in 1930. Well No. 3 was one of seven wells of which three were hand jug wells that supplied water to the City of Alma. In 1967

Alma, KS Historic Buildings

Schroeder/Ringel Residence

This native stone home was built by Gus Schroeder in 1888. The Schroeder home and the date built are inscribed on the stone scroll above the front door. The exterior from the 100

Alma, KS Famous Homes

Historic Stone Fences

The federal government abolished the open range in a law passed in 1867. The government paid farmers $.40 per rod (16.5 feet) to build and maintain a 4.5

Alma, KS Scenic Drives

Things to do near Alma, KS

Clay Center Zoo

Along with being home to many animals, a Historic Park, located in the zoo, brings special beauty in every season that is an ...