

Military Park

category : Parks
Military Park One of several parks in Newton, the Military Park is exceptional because it is home to Santa Fe steam engine #1880 (a Prairie class 2-6-2) and a Civil War-era cannon. It is also the location of the public library.

Hours: Open Daily
Address: 700 block, Oak St.

Come visit us in Newton, Kansas

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Kauffman Museum

The Kauffman Museum is located on the Bethel College campus in North Newton. The museum emphasizes the cultural and natural history of the Central Plains and the immigration of the Mennonites to Kansas in the 1870

Newton, KS Museums

Newton Station

The Newton Station, completed in 1930, was built during the Depression for 350,000. Modeled after Shakespeare's house at Stratford-on-Avon, the Newton Station was home to a Harvey House between 1930 and 1955

Newton, KS Historic Buildings

Harvey County West Park

Harvey County West Park is approximately 17.5 northwest of Newton on 310 acres. Located on the Little Arkansas River, this heavily wooded park provides ample opportunity for enjoying the natural beauty of this area. No hunting is allowed here. There is a 16

Newton, KS Recreation

Mennonite Settler Statue

The tallest, sturdiest Mennonite in Kansas stands seventeen feet tall in the Athletic Park. He is the Mennonite Settler Statue built in 1942

Newton, KS Landmarks

Warkentin House

The historic Warkentin House is the former home of Bernhard and Wilhelmina Warkentin, built in 1887. It is a splendid example of the Victorian period in American architecture and furnishings. As a museum, the house offers a glimpse into the way the Warkentins lived, since 80

Newton, KS Famous Homes

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