

Palmyra Post Office

category : Pioneer Life
Palmyra Post Office Located at the Old Castle Complex is the Palmyra Post Office and Blood's Grocery which opened in 1857. Originally located north of the highway on the Santa Fe Trail, it served travelers on the trail and the pioneer community of Palmyra, the original townsite later to become Baldwin City.

Many of the original trappings of the post office are on display. Notice the rocks that were put inside the walls as protection against stray bullets during "Bleeding Kansas" border raids.

Address: 5th Street, Elm and Fremont

Come visit us in Baldwin City, Kansas

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Case Hall

Case Hall is Baker University's first library building. Completed in 1907 with a grant from the Carnegie Foundation it is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places for its innovated construction for the time.

It was designed by Baker'

Baldwin City, KS National Register

Area History Mural

The mural depicting area history was painted by local artist, Tom Russell. It is displayed in the Baldwin State Bank.

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The Midland Historic Railroad

The Midland Historic Railroad began operation August 8, 1987 with a restored diesel engine, a 1923 Rock Island commuter coach and a 1950

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Grove and West Parks

Grove Park, Fremont and Third, and West Park, 11th and High, are tree-shaded city-owned parks equipped with children's playground areas with swings, slides, and other equipment.

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Santa Fe Trail Well

Located three blocks north of Highway 56 on Washington Street in Baldwin (the only Palmyra street to still carry its original name), the Santa Fe Trail Well provided the first fresh water for travelers on the Trail.

Hand dug to 40 feet, it was later deepened to 70

Baldwin City, KS Pioneer Life

Things to do Pioneer Life near Baldwin City, KS

Old Schoolhouse/Residence

Lyndon's first school was located in the home on Madison Street shortly after Lyndon was founded in 1870. The house continued...

Blacksmith Shop

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