

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Ottawa City Park

The Ottawa City Park is a beautiful compliment of nature's architecture among the historic works of George P. Washburn in the downtown district. Located at 5th and Main, the park offers a spacious area for strolling, relaxing, or picnics with playground equipment for the children.

Ottawa, KS Parks

Dietrich Cabin

Located south of the old Ottawa Carnegie Library in Ottawa's City Park, the Dietrich Cabin stands today as a memorial to a courageous couple, who suffered severe hardships on the Kansas frontier and as a tribute to the hundreds of other early pioneers that settled in Franklin County.

Ottawa, KS Memorials

200 Block of Main

The entire 200 block of Main Street in Ottawa is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It's noted for its Victorian architecture.

Ottawa, KS Historic Downtowns

Ottawa Community Arts Center

Ottawa Community Arts Council (OCAC), of Ottawa, Kansas , is a non-profit arts organization that has been in existence since 1977. The Ottawa Community Arts Council has been the official arts organization for Ottawa and Franklin County for over 30

Ottawa, KS Arts

Franklin County Courthouse

The Franklin County Courthouse was built in 1893 by George P. Washburn, one of the best known 19th century Kansas architects, and is regarded as one of Washburn's most outstanding works. Courthouses were one of Washburn'

Ottawa, KS Historic Courthouses

Things to do Historic Churches near Ottawa, KS

Evangelical Covenant Church

The Evangelical Covenant Church is listed on the State Historic Register. ...