

Oakley, Kansas

Oakley's Fick Fossil and Historical Museum is listed among the 25 Great Museums in the U.S.

Local fossils, a general store, fine antiques, a sod house, artifacts from Fort Monument, and over 1,500 photographs makes this museum both entertaining and educational.

The Museum features Cretaceous Period fossils from the personal collection of Earnest and Vi Fick. The museum also has many fossils found by the Sternbergs, who did extensive digs in the area. The majority of our pieces were collected within a fifty mile radius of Oakley. As part of our permanent collection, we have over 11,000 shark teeth, a complete Xiphactinus audux, specimens of Pteranodon, Plesiosaurus, Mosasaurs, and many others representative of the Cretaceous Period. We have several specimens of Crinoid and Horn Corral available.

Mammalian history is equally represented with specimens of hoofed mammals and the Oligocene Rhinoceros. Fossils of plant life are on permanent display. The mineral and rock collection is quite extensive. Archeological pieces are also on display.

Most recent to our collection is a skull of a Mosasaur, Tylosaurus proriger, an ancient marine reptile about 30 feet in length. Discovered in the Smoky Hill Chalk Beds of Gove County, this relic is the oldest ever documented. (Donated by the Bird family and prepared by Mike Everhart in 1997.)

The Folk Art Collection includes pieces created with fossils, rocks, and paper mache by Vi Fick. This collection is unique to the Fick Fossil and History Museum. Wood carvings made by Vi Fick are also part of the permanent collection.

Other items of interest are our Kansas Wildflower Collection, replica depot, and a early 1900's General Store with many fascinating items on display. We also have a Sod House within the museum for your viewing. Other items relating to the historical significance of the area are on display.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Fick Fossil & Historical Museum

Oakley's Fick Fossil and Historical Museum is listed among the 25 Great Museums in the U.S. Local fossils, a general store, fine antiques, a sod house, artifacts from Fort Monument, and over 1,500 photographs makes this museum both entertaining and educational.

Oakley, KS Museums

Monument Rocks

Just 26 miles south of Oakley stand the Smoky Pyramids or Monument Rocks, the first national natural landmark in Kansas. These chalk formations are sediment remains of ancient marine life up to 200 million years old.

Oakley, KS Natural Attractions

Prairie Dog Town

Prairie Dog Town began as a hobby 30 years ago, with a pet coyote named "Missy", a pet badger named, "Badge" and a bobcat named "Shasta"

Oakley, KS Wildlife Refuges

Oakley Country Club

We have a challenging nine-hole, grass greens golf course where you can play anytime.

Oakley, KS Golf Courses

Logan County Lake

The 75 acre lake does become periodically dry during low rainfall seasons. There are boat ramps, camping, and picnic areas.

Oakley, KS Recreation

Things to do near Oakley, KS

Money Chevrolet Car Sign Museum

Information coming soon. Check website for updates....

Fort Wallace

Fort Wallace was first called Camp Pond Creek and was established in September, 1865, about one-and-a-half miles southwest o...