

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Command & General Staff College

The School of Application for Cavalry and Infantry, established in 1881.

Fort Leavenworth, KS Colleges

Main Parade Ground

The main parade ground was originally the center of post activities. Post reviews and parades were held here during negotiations with federal officials in the 1800s.

Fort Leavenworth, KS Military History

French Cannons

These beautiful artifacts of bygone wars remain a mystery at Fort Leavenworth. They were cast in the 1700s in Paris; the name of the foundryman and place and date of manufacture are on each piece. How or why they came to Leavenworth is unknown.

Fort Leavenworth, KS Military History

U.S. Disciplinary Barracks

The "DB," as it is known, was established as a military prison in 1873. The buildings inside date from 1863 to 1964. The DB is the only military maximum security facility. This USDB closed in 2003 and the inmates were moved to the new USDB on the west side of the fort. The 'castle'

Fort Leavenworth, KS Historic Buildings

Old Stone Wall

The Stone wall behind and across the street from Grant's statue is a favorite with photographers. The wall was restored in the early part of this century by the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Fort Leavenworth, KS Landmarks

Things to do Historic Churches near Fort Leavenworth, KS

St.Paul's Episcopal Church

A Historic church founded in 1857, it is the home of the Grinning Gargoyle and Dove art center....